2018 Annual Report

We are excited to share with you Global Land Alliance's 2018 Annual Report.  Since beginning operations five years ago, Global Land Alliance has committed itself to promote sustainable prosperity for people and places.  We are grateful for your continuing support and collaboration, and we look forward to our next five years in alliance with you to change the trends on global land issues for a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future.

Where We Worked in 2018:


Letter from the Executive Directors

Dear Global Land Alliance Friends and Supporters,

2018 marked our fifth year of operation, a year of continued growth of our global alliance and a deeper articulation of our mission. Secure land rights, tenure security and access to management of community resources remain powerful forces supporting the sustainable prosperity of people and places.

We are gratified to contribute to improvements in land systems around the world to call for greater attention to the needs of people for security, opportunity and sustainability worldwide. We are proud of the expansion of our core programs – Prindex, Land Administration, Community-Based Resource Management, and the Center for Community Land Trust Innovations. We are proud of our work in these programs and improved our communications strategy and effort in terms of reach, frequency and relevance to mission. We also strengthened and grew our ‘alliance’ by signing additional agreements with like-minded organizations allowing us to expand our reach both thematically and geographically.

Yet, as we enter our next five years we remain deeply unsatisfied with the status of land rights, land use and land access around the world. With hundreds of millions of people living in insecure and informal urban settlements without access to basic services and with hundreds of millions more trying to subsist on tiny, ecologically fragile rural parcels without opportunities to invest in sustainable and profitable activities; with on-going deforestation and the loss of land and water resources in traditional communities; with the lack of affordable housing for millions, even in richest countries on earth; with the sudden insecurity of hundreds of millions of women and girls when a divorce or death occurs – we will have true satisfaction in our work only when we see tangible evidence that these trends bend toward resolution at scale. During our next five years we will put all our energy and resources into bending the curve on these issues.

We are grateful for your continuing support and collaboration, and we look forward to our next five years in alliance with you to change the trends on global land issues for a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future. As we do each year, this Annual Report highlights some of our work during 2018.


Kevin Barthel and Malcolm Childress