33 Country Data Launch from Prindex

“Monitoring is a tool that must be yoked to a process of action and mobilization to be effective… The point is transformative change” -Malcolm Childress for the 33 Country Data Launch of Prindex on March 25th on the sidelines of the World Bank Conference for Land and Poverty. Visit prindex.net for the full reports and comparative data.

Land is incredibly central to people’s lives, to who they are, to their families and businesses. We’ve never been able to quantify property rights before, but qualitatively the headwinds are rising, and their is a risk that unless we act as a global community, property rights insecurity will grow, with potentially serious consequences. Prindex unveiled a major leap in these efforts on Monday evening, revealing new data on perceptions of property insecurity in a comparative report of 33 countries, as well as a report on global urban tenure insecurity and womens’ perception of land tenure security.

“We’re sitting on a tinder box in some urban areas, there’s a lot of discontent among the youth. And tenure insecurity may play a large role in that.” -Anna Locke

Media Coverage:

BBC’s Focus on Africa

Interview with Malcolm Childress for RFI

AllAfrica: “Africa: Millions Fear Losing Their Homes Across Africa – Survey”

ThisIsPlace: “One in three fear losing homes in West and Central Africa, poll finds”

OXFAM “How a new land rights study amplifies women’s hopes and fears – and makes us think again about solutions for everyone”

Thomson Reuters Foundation “One in three fear losing homes in West and Central Africa, poll finds”